

Research into future options Media Inspirations The first task of this project was to research into inspirations within the media industry. I explained in detail how I looked up to Mark Zuckerberg and the problems he faced during his rise to success. Options for the future I then had to research into both higher education options and full time careers within the media industry. I had a look into one of the university courses which I could potentially take in the future. It is a media course that is at Sunderland University. I have explained on my blog post the course itself in detail and why I am thinking of choosing this course after I have finished college.   I researched into a job within the industry which I liked the sound of and which I feel that I would be able to have the skills to take on that job. The blog post has a detailed explanation about the job itself such as salary and qualifications etc.  Creating my brand identity Digital Profiles I had to research into what is a di


  What is a Showreel  A showreel is a short video which showcases and advertises a persons work. They are usually 2 to 3 minutes long. It is used to promote your digital profile and shows your progress and highlight your skills. Examples of a showreel  Showreels from Scratch | DANIEL JOHNSON | Examples 2019 - YouTube This is an example of a showreel. The creator has showcased his work by creating a short 2 minute clip which showcased his directing skills. He set out everyone as if it was a scene from a movie or a TV show. The company which he is applying for will definitely look at this and it will be used in his favour. He has also put a link to his website at the bottom to prove that the work is his. Filmmaker/Editor Showreel 2020 | Niklas Christl - YouTube Here is another example of a showreel. The man who made this video has made the same approach to his showreel as my idea. He has used short high quality clips of her work. The clip is about 1 minute and a half long. This is probab

Mock interview

  Mock Interview Prep Some of the basic things which you need to do in order to prepare for a mock interview are dressing appropriately, researching the company, being early and preparing answers for the potential questions. These are all essential to practice so you are ready for the interview. You need to dress appropriately as the interviewer will clearly be more impressed by someone who dresses appropriately rather than someone who doesn't. Dressing appropriately shows that your eager to get that job and meeting the requirements that the company is giving out. You will need to research the company as you will need to understand what job role you are going for. The research will guide you to information about the company you could potentially be working for. The research will also tell you the different types of job roles that the company have and the people who work there. It is important to be early as you will leave a good impression that you have prioritised the interview ov


  Pitch Presentation  Earlier in the year I created a pitch presentation for David Longworth from the BBC. I was tasked to create a pitch for a TV show idea. I created a google doc on my idea for the TV show. This is a link to my document which is the pitch what I presented during the lesson. The pitch is detailed as it covers the idea, plot, target audience etc. The interview itself was good practice for pitch presentations and similar stuff like this in the future.  Networking Experience Template ITV Networking


My Personal Website   My website contains lots of work that I have previously completed in the past. This contains things such as past projects and an explanation of what the project is and what I done for it.  I have added 3 of my past projects to my website. These projects are my climate change project, my barbering project and my culture in the digital age project. I chose these projects as a lot of time and effort went into these projects especially the culture in the digital age project. I chose to put the culture in the digital age as it was the first completed project. This project is shown alongside others so it will show skills development. I put the barbering project on the website as it was the first project that I had to do for a real client. I have added details on the website about this project such as who it was for and why it was made. I have added the climate change project to the website as I had the least amount of time to complete this project. This is a good opport

Business Cards

  What are Business Cards? A business card is a little card which advertises your business. It usually contains things such as your name, business,  phone number, business location, tagline and logo. They are important as it is the first exposure somebody sees to the business.  Examples of business Cards This is an example of a business card. The card itself is a very good design. The company has picked a great design. This has all the requirements of a business card. This will be extremely helpful to the person who will be receiving the business card. They will know all of the work related details when they are given this card. Therefore they will have help in the future.  Here is another example of a business card. This one is very different as the company logo takes up the majority of the front of the card. This caused the details to be placed on the back of the card. This was just the companies preference and what they feel looks better. Even though its different it still meets all

Logo designs

Existing Logo designs This is a logo for a business card. The logo is small and effective which is perfect for a business card. The colour gold stands out a lot with a black background. It is also a unique colour as not many companies use gold for a logo. They have made something simple and made it look very effective. The company isn't very well known itself so it is surprising that a small business could have this design turn out so well.  Here is a collage of 12 different logos. The logos are advertising local businesses. They aren't as appealing as the other logo however they are still effective. They have clearly took time in designing the background as it resembles the area where the business is based. Therefore this would be a nice touch for the people who are from that area to have a landmark on the logo that is local.  Here is a collage of famous logos from successful business. All these logos are nowhere near as detailed as the logos by the smaller businesses. This sh