Logo designs
Existing Logo designs This is a logo for a business card. The logo is small and effective which is perfect for a business card. The colour gold stands out a lot with a black background. It is also a unique colour as not many companies use gold for a logo. They have made something simple and made it look very effective. The company isn't very well known itself so it is surprising that a small business could have this design turn out so well. Here is a collage of 12 different logos. The logos are advertising local businesses. They aren't as appealing as the other logo however they are still effective. They have clearly took time in designing the background as it resembles the area where the business is based. Therefore this would be a nice touch for the people who are from that area to have a landmark on the logo that is local. Here is a collage of famous logos from successful business. All these logos are nowhere near as detailed as the logos by the smaller businesses. T...